Sunday, February 19, 2023

 Cat Sick Blues (2015).  Starring Matthew C. Vaughan, Shia Denovan, and Mahalia Brown

Three Stars.

TRIGGER WARNING:   This movie contains disturbing imagery and depictions of sexual assault and animal abuse.  Discretion is advised before further viewing of this movie and reading of this article.

A couple of women are seen getting stoned and watching cat videos on a laptop.  Eventually, after venturing outside to investigate, they're both murdered by a weirdo donning a cat mask.  That's opposed to a normal person wearing a cat mask that murders people of course.  After decapitating the blonde stoner,  the killer walks into their British flat, places the head on a side-table and proceeds to watch cat videos himself.

This sets the stage for Cat Sick Blues, a demented and somewhat original take on the time-honored slasher subgenre.  We're introduced to Ted, a man grieving the death of his black cat.  Ted breaks from reality so severely that he becomes convinced he can bring his beloved pet back from the netherworld.  How so, you might ask?  He believes the trick to this is murdering nine women, one for each life of his cat, and draining their blood into a giant vat to re-animate the deceased animal.

In addition to his feline mask and his matching red sweater, Ted utilizes two sets of unique tools to accomplishes his goals.  One is a pair of kitten-mittens, complete with Kruger claws for slicing and dicing.  The other is, I shit you not, a twenty-four inch dildo with barbs. It's patterned after (if you guessed it) a tomcat.  These items are just the cherry on the batshit crazy sundae the audience is about to endure as the carnage piles up.

The side plot of this movie involves a woman named Claire Ellis, a YouTuber famous for videos of her white cat.  This portion of her life comes to an end when a mentally challenged neighbor forces his way into her apartment.  After snapping her cat's neck (ala Of Mice And Men) and throwing it out the window, the intruder violently rapes Claire.  While fleeing the scene, he happens to steal her camcorder.  As the camcorder had accidentally captured the attack, it falls into nefarious hands and is uploaded to the internet.  The death of her cat, the assault and the unwanted attention from the video all take their toll on Claire.

Ted and Claire's paths cross when they meet at a support group for people.  This leads them having some awkward dates and encounters to say the least.  Unbeknownst to Claire, Ted is feverishly working towards his goal of cat-resurrection.  Needless to say, the bodies pile up in his wake and Claire eventually finds herself on a crash collision of fate in the surrealistic conclusion of the film.

Not recommended for casual horror film fans.  Proceed to watch at your own risk.

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